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Safe Zone

Our certifications

VeriSign is the worldwide authority on computer security.

Pagadito is fully compliant with all requirements to be granted VeriSign's Extended Certification for secure SSL data transmission. VeriSign performs daily reviews on our servers and connections to enable data encryption to keep them protected during transmission.

PCI DSS stands for Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard.

This standard was developed by a committee comprised of major card companies (Visa, MasterCard, etc.), denominated PCI SSC (Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council). These guidelines set forth the outline for processing, storage and transmission of cardholder data.
PCI DSS is a set of data security mechanisms and administrative and operational rules that regulate this business. These regulations guarantee data handling in such a way that it prevents fraud involving credit and debit cards.
The official site at www.pcisecuritystandards.org provides more information on PCI requirements and standards.


Protect your account and password

  • Choose a good password. Your password should be easy for you to remember but hard to crack.
  • Keep your password secret. Do not share your password nor reveal it to anyone else.
  • Change your password periodically.
  • File a report if you receive an e-mail from Pagadito reflecting a request you did not make.
  • Log in to Pagadito periodically to review the status of all your transactions.
  • Always log out before leaving your computer.
  • Pagadito never requests account or user information by email from Users.
  • If you have difficulty logging into your account or suspect that there are irregular transactions, write to us to this address seguridad@pagadito.com.


Identify a fake email

The purpose of this type of email is to get your personal information, such as credit or debit card numbers, document numbers or security passwords. These messages aim to look authentic by claiming to be sent by real companies. They even place the same graphics and designs of those companies. Some add links to fake websites very similar to the real ones, where they ask for your personal information.

Below we provide a list of elements that can help you identify them easily:

  • The greeting: Many fake e-mails start with general greetings such as "Attention to: Pagadito User". Pagadito emails are always personalized.
  • Urgency and threat about your account: These fake messages usually communicate that Pagadito has an urgent need to update and expand your personal information. Most of these fake e-mails threaten with immediate suspension of service or disabling your account. Pagadito would never request information by email
  • Request for personal information: Be on the lookout for e-mails requesting personal information through links or forms included in the body of the message. This information may include your username and password, credit card or bank account number. Pagadito would never require the user to enter his or her password or username from an email. Pagadito directs you to the Login screen of the website when it involves an action that requires you to log in to your account.
  • Links in the email: Always check the URL of the site that the link in the email takes you, make sure it is actually Pagadito's.

Once you have identified a fake email, we recommend:

  • Do not reply to the message.
  • Report it immediately, attach a copy of the message you received in your e-mail addressed to seguridad@pagadito.com.
  • Delete the message from your email account.


By reporting a fake email, you are helping to safeguard Pagadito Users' integrity and security.