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Leaders and first and only non-bank payment solution in the region.
For over 14 years we have been managing online transactions, tailored to the needs of businesses, in more than 13 countries.
We open the door to fast and safe payment processing with the highest global security standards.
Accept Visa and MasterCard credit cards in your business in a simple and safe way.
- Articles of incorporation and/or their (illegible text) articles of association
- Merchant Taxpayer Document
- Proof of business owner's Address
- Legal representative or attorney-in-fact credential
- Identity document of the legal representative
- Bank reference of the account to be associated
- Identity Document
- Taxpayer Document
- Proof of business owner's Address
- Bank reference of the account to be associated
- Accept online payments from customers around the world in a matter of seconds
- Withdraw funds at the bank of your choice in your country
- Carry out transactions with the highest level of international security PCI-DSS Level 1
- Use all our solutions to get paid online for only US$1.00
- Integrate your website to our payment gateway in a test environment
- The possibility to promote your business with our affiliate program
- Loyalty Cashback US$100
Make quick and safe payments at our affiliated merchants.
- First and Last name
- Date of Birth
- Full address
- Cellphone number
- Save time! You only need to enter your email address and password to pay.
- Transfer funds between Pagadito accounts.
- Make safer transactions.
- Loyalty Cashback US$100
Ideal for websites and mobile Apps.
Connect with your customers via messages and social networks. Send them a custom link and get paid. Increase your sales.
Turn your emails into a sales solution that includes payments. Ideal for membership-based businesses like schools, gyms, professional organizations and more.
Robust card present technology and equipment.
The most flexible QR code available. Print it, display it on your phone, scan it and increase sales and conversions.
The ideal solution for collecting payments from call centers.
Add a QR Code or a Pagalink to your bots, invoices, quotes or digital documents. Close a sale and get paid on one screen.
Best B2B2C solution. Ideal for associate style businesses (like Herbalife), gig economy Apps and market places.
Collect on your memberships, subscriptions and payment plans automatically.
Accept cards on your website or App with the best UX. Your customers leave their cards on file, fully encrypted. Ideal for recurring payments, Pay as you Go, Gig Economy Apps and Marketplaces.
The purpose of this contract is to set forth all Agreements and Conditions applicable to the use of Pagadito's web site and services. Pagadito Sociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada is a company organized under the laws of the Republic of Panama, or its affiliates on the website www.Pagadito.com or other websites redirected thereto from different ccTLD (Country Code Top Level Domain), hereinafter referred to as "Pagadito".
All Agreements set forth in this document constitute a contract between an Individual or Legal Entity (hereinafter referred to as User or Users) wishing to use Pagadito's Payment Platform.
User has entered into this contract for the following:
a) Pagadito shall make a payment and/or collection of a Product or Service acquired through a purchase-sale operation in any Pagadito Comercios on behalf of the User,
b) Make balance transfers from his or her Mi Pagadito Account to other Users’ Mi Pagadito Accounts,
c) Top up his or her Pagadito Account using one or more credit and/or debit cards, or
d) Withdraw balance from his or her Pagadito Account.
These Agreements and Terms of Use describe the rights and responsibilities of the User and Pagadito while using the Payment Platform and any related Products or Services offered by Pagadito.
User must read, understand and accept all conditions set forth in this document as well as other policies and principles which are integral part thereof, before registering as a User in order to use Pagadito's services. When a User fails to accept the Agreements and Terms of Use and other Pagadito's Policies, he/she should refrain from using the services offered by Pagadito.
The following may not register to use Pagadito: youngsters under 18 years of age, deaf individuals who cannot communicate clearly, Pagadito Users whose account has been suspended or cancelled. In general, only individuals who have the capacity to acquire rights and obligations by themselves, who do not require an authorization from a third party may enroll. Whoever contracts services on behalf of or representing a Legal Entity must have a legitimate and sufficient legal capacity to do so.
Legal Entities must use Pagadito's services in their own behalf, through a representative or on behalf of third parties. No transfer of these services to third parties is allowed, unless it is expressly authorized by Pagadito.
Anyone who wants to use Pagadito's services must be registered in Pagadito or fill out the required forms and accept these Agreements and Terms of Use and other Policies.
In order to register in Pagadito, a User is required to fill out all fields of the form with exact, precise and true Personal Information ("Personal Information"). User agrees to update his or her Personal Information as necessary. All information entered by User is considered an Affidavit or Sworn Statement.
Pagadito Registration will require that the User validates a credit or debit card and activate the Pagadito Account.
On the other hand, Pagadito reserves the right to:
a) Request further proof and/or additional information to confirm all information provided by a User. If the Personal Information cannot be verified, Pagadito may suspend User temporarily or permanently.
b) Decline a registration request, cancel or suspend –temporarily or permanently– an account, when inconsistencies in the information provided by a User are found or when suspicious actions are found. Such action does not grant any user the right to any compensation or indemnification of any kind
Pagadito takes no responsibility for the accuracy of the Personal Information provided by its Users. Therefore, Users are the ones who guarantee and respond, in all cases, for the veracity, accuracy, validity and genuineness of the Personal Information provided.
See Registration Policies for further information.
User's Personal Information shall not be disclosed to other companies, except as set forth in the Information Privacy Policies. Pagadito will share the information with added value service providers integrated in Pagadito for Users to receive a better service, and with companies that provide information concerning User's history and credit behavior. This is accepted by the User when subscribing these "Pagadito Agreements and Terms of Use".
The transmission of Personal Information is made by means of a secure Internet site that protects and encrypts such information. Such information is stored on magnetic media applying adequate security procedures level in accordance with the type of information stored.
Pagadito will keep all Personal Information confidential and secure, but it takes no responsibility if third parties unlawfully obtain such information by their own means.
See Information Privacy Policies for further details.
Upon registering with Pagadito, the User will open a "Pagadito Personal Account" or "Pagadito Merchant Account". A Pagadito Account enables Users to send and receive payments, as well as receive and send funds by a debit or a credit in his or her Account.
The User will access his/her Pagadito Account by entering his/her User nickname and Personal Password ("Personal Password").
The User agrees to keep all his or her passwords confidential. Accordingly, User will take the exclusive responsibility for all operations carried out in his or her Account. Additionally, the User agrees to change his/her personal password if he/she became aware of or suspects any unauthorized use of his/her Account, as well as any login or login attempts by unauthorized third parties.
Pagadito offers Users two types of Accounts:
1. “Pagadito Personal Account”
This type of account is available to anyone who registers with Pagadito, i.e. individuals wishing to use this account to make purchases at any Pagadito Comercios, provided they comply with the corresponding requirements such as providing personal information.
2. “Pagadito Merchant Account”
Access to this type of account shall be available to Users who are business owners, i.e. sole merchants and companies, who have a Pagadito Comercio.
Each Pagadito Account, regardless of its type, is personal, unique and untransferable. It shall be assigned to a single User. Any sale, assignment or transfer in any way, including reputation, is prohibited. User may not allow, nor authorize third parties to use his/her Account.
The Pagadito Account shall be designated in numbers and letters and any reference to currency shall be understood to be made in US Dollars.
Payment Management Agreement
User and Pagadito (the "Parties"), may subscribe Payment Management Agreements by means of a "Payment Request". Through this contract Pagadito will provide payment management or payment processing services according to User's instructions, in order to pay or receive funds on behalf of the User, using the platform provided by Pagadito in the Pagadito Comercios websites.
Payment Requests that are timely completed shall be governed by these Agreements and Terms of Use as well as other Pagadito Policies.
Irrevocable Mandate
By making a Payment Request, User is granting an irrevocable mandate to Pagadito to:
1. Pay a certain amount of money (the "Funds") on behalf of the User, for which a Payment Request has been completed; and/or
2. Collect the Funds for and on behalf of the User, subject to Pagadito's Agreements and Terms of Use and other Policies.
Pagadito shall not use the User's Funds for purposes other than those instructed by the User.
Nature of service
Pagadito provides payment management to its Users by a means of payment owned by User. Pagadito is NOT a financial institution, therefore it does not provide banking services. Consequently, the funds credited to the Pagadito Account do not accrue any interest. User may use funds at his/her own discretion and according to these Agreements and Terms of Use and other Pagadito policies.
1. Payment Request
A Payment Request (The Request) is the beginning of the collection and payment process through Pagadito. Any Request shall be made when User accepts a Payment Request, it shall include details concerning the use of said Funds. Any link sent by a Pagadito Comercio, requesting any payment or collection of amounts for obligations acquired by a Pagadito User constitutes a Payment Request.
Pagadito reserves the right not to process requests that are incomplete or when there are inconsistencies between the information provided by the Users and the information actually entered in Pagadito’s system or whenever Pagadito deems it necessary, at its sole discretion. Payment instructions included in a Request may only be made through Pagadito's Platform.
A Payment Request will not be considered perfected and Pagadito will assume no obligation for such Request until Pagadito has accepted it, received it and provided Funds, including applicable fees and expenses, are available.
Pagadito takes no responsibility for wrong or incomplete Payment Requests and/or payments caused by entering the wrong data in the Request, when relevant information of the recipient or of the payment transaction is missing, or because of other errors or omissions caused or made by the User.
2. Charges
Once the Request is accepted by Pagadito, the amounts shall be automatically charged to the Pagadito Account or, if funds are not available in the Pagadito Account, the User shall be required to confirm a Payment Method associated to his/her Pagadito Account.
At the time of opening a Pagadito Account, User accepts that he/she must enter a credit or debit card, which is validated and then used to charge the amounts of any Payment Requests.
3. Payment of funds
The time period to credit Funds in the User's Pagadito Account shall be according to the type of User as follows: A. Sellers who are Users of SubeloTodo/ InterMall, accreditation or deposit to their Account will be: a) When the term to file a Claim Settlement Mechanism expires, b) The day after a notice of a Final Resolution of a judgment on behalf of the Selling User has been made, when a Claim Settlement Mechanism has been used, or c) Within 48 to 72 hours after the Buyer User states a satisfactory acceptance of the transacted goods. B. For Pagadito Comercios a credit to its Account shall be made within 15 days, or the time set forth for each Merchant, after having received the payment from the Buyer.
Pagadito will make reasonable efforts to ensure compliance with the terms listed above. However, Users understands that certain factors –mostly external factors and/or those out of Pagadito's control– may cause delays. In this case, the User exempts Pagadito from any responsibility for any inconveniences or problems stemming therefrom.
If Pagadito believes that a User may be using irregular mechanisms to top up funds, Pagadito may unilaterally terminate this contract, without any type of responsibility.
User agrees not to apply any additional charges for accepting payments or receiving funds through the Platform.
Pagadito will determine a maximum amount for Payment Management Requests, which may vary depending on payment method, the type of request and/or in the discretion of Pagadito and it may even be amended from time to time upon its publication in Pagadito.
I. Liability of the Parties
Pagadito takes no responsibility for and does not guarantee compliance with any obligation assumed by the Users with third parties in relation to payments to be made or received through Pagadito. User acknowledges that when making transactions with other Users or third parties, he/she does it by his/her own will, giving his/her consent under his/her own risk and responsibility. Pagadito shall take no responsibility for any damages that the User may have suffered, as a result of a transactions made or if it has not been made through Pagadito.
On the other hand, since Pagadito takes no part in the obligation that resulted in a Payment Management Request, Pagadito takes no responsibility for such obligation, nor will it verify the causes, amount or any other circumstance related to such Request, or concerning products in stock, and the quality, quantity, operation, condition, integrity or legitimacy of Products or services offered or purchased by the Users and paid through Pagadito, nor User's capacity to undersign a contract and the veracity of the personal information entered by Users.
In the event that one or more Users or any third party brought forth some kind of legal action against other Users, each User involved in such claims, hold Pagadito and its directors, managers, employees, agents, operators, representatives and attorneys-in-fact harmless from any liability. The maximum liability accepted by Pagadito the amount it would have charged for services rendered to a User in a similar transaction.
Pagadito establishes that it will keep funds of all Pagadito Accounts as a deposit on behalf of third parties, separately, in a special bank account. It will use several reliable agents to transfer such money, pursuant to the User's instructionss.
Pagadito will only deal with banks with an excellent international ranking. However, under no circumstance shall it take responsibility for insolvency of the Bank, financial institution or agent used to transfer Funds or any change in legislation that may affect the account in which the Funds are deposited by Pagadito. Therefore, Users hold Pagadito, its affiliates or subsidiaries, controlling and/or controlled companies harmless from liability for events that may affect banks, financial entities and/or agents where funds of the Accounts are deposited, and for any political and economic events that may occur, which are beyond Pagadito's control. In such event, User must provide Pagadito with any additional amounts required to fulfill its mandate.
Additionally, in the event described above, Pagadito shall have the right to choose the option that, at its discretion, is the most convenient, and even choose the one it believes most suitable to liquidate any funds deposited in the Bank quickly, smoothly and orderly, even if it implies delays, reductions, or commissions applied to the amounts deposited.
Pagadito does not guarantee an uninterrupted access and use of its platform and all services included. Therefore, it shall not grant compensations for any claims on account of such failures. However, User is advised to contact the Pagadito Team by filling out the form provided in the site to express any cause of complaint. User holds Pagadito harmless from any responsibility for damages and/or loss of profits.
II. Fees
The section "Fees" provides a list of charges for the use of Pagadito Platform to collect, pay, send or receive money, as well as other fees for operations made through Pagadito, see Charges.
Cost per individual or legal entity affiliation | USD1.00 |
Fee per transaction | USD0.25 + 5% + local tax |
MPOS (Hardware and Software included) |
USD50.00 (One-time fee) |
Reimbursements | USD0.32 |
Guatemala | USD0.29 or USD0.99 |
El Salvador | USD0.29 or USD0.60 |
Honduras | USD0.29 or USD1.50 |
Nicaragua | USD0.29 or USD0.29 |
Costa Rica | USD0.29 or USD2.50 |
Panama | USD0.29 or USD0.99 |
United States | USD0.29 or USD1.80 |
Dominican Republic | 0.2% or 0.2% |
Puerto Rico | USD0.29 or USD1.80 |
III. Prohibitions
Transactions carried out through Pagadito must not violate any applicable laws, this Agreement and Terms of Use and other Pagadito policies. The use Pagadito is prohibited for gambling, weapon trafficking, smuggling of people, animals, drugs or illegal substances; money laundering and/or terrorism; pornography, prostitution, white-slave traffic, pedophilia, etc. including any type of activity that may be considered fraudulent or illegal or suspected of being so.
It is strictly forbidden to use Pagadito for cash advances or loans, that is to say those transactions in which it is perceived that a User adds Funds to his Account and withdraws such funds or if a first User makes a Payment Management Request in favor of a second User, who later makes a new Payment Management Request or transfers funds in favor of the first User, being the first User the one who finally withdraws the Funds.
When Pagadito believes that its services have been used to carry out prohibited activities, it may reject, cancel or suspend a Payment Management Request, limit the access and use of an Account or definitely cancel an Account, without any responsibility whatsoever. This is without prejudice to the pertinent legal actions that Pagadito may take against the offending User.
The User is the only one liable for damages that his or her conduct may cause to Pagadito, its controllers, subsidiaries, affiliates or subsidiaries, officers, employees, directors, agents and/or other Users, for which he shall be liable for the damages he may cause.
To learn more about prohibited activities see Restricted Activities.
IV. Complaint Resolution Mechanisms
When there are complaints from a User, the Complaint Solution Mechanism implemented by Pagadito must be activated. To do so, the User will fill out a Complaint Form, stating the reasons for the complaint.
V. Intellectual Property Rights
Pagadito, its controlling, controlled, affiliated and/or subsidiary companies, are owners of all the Intellectual Property rights over its Web Site and its content, codes, software, hardware, domain name, logos, trademarks, symbols, designs, structure, databases, its content and information, and others, that from time to time, Pagadito may acquire.
The User expressly acknowledges that he/she does NOT have any right over them. Pagadito only authorizes the User Seller to use the Sales Tools that it will make available to him/her, and with the only objective of carrying out the operations set forth in this Agreement. Pagadito only authorizes the User Seller to make use of its Intellectual Property, in what refers to the Sales Tools made available to the User Seller, to comply with the activities derived from this Agreement.
VI. Amendments to the Agreements and Terms of Use and other policies of Pagadito
Pagadito reserves the right to change or renew this agreement and other policies at any time. These modifications shall be made public to the Users through a notification and/or publication of the same on the web site.
The User has five (5) calendar days after receipt of the notification to state whether or not he accepts the changes. If the User does not accept the changes, the agreement shall be terminated. Silence on the part of the User shall be presumed to be acceptance of the changes.
VII. Grounds for termination of this Agreement
This Agreement may be terminated by mutual agreement between Pagadito and the User without a statement for a cause. This will result in the cancellation of the User's Account, with all outstanding obligations remaining in full force and effect.
This Agreement may be terminated unilaterally by Pagadito, at its sole discretion, with prior notice to the User when there are non-compliances by the User to the laws, what is described in this Agreement and any other Pagadito policies. All of the above without prejudice to any legal action that Pagadito may take.
VIII. Recordings and proofs of Pagadito
The User may make copies of this Agreement and its components. The User authorizes Pagadito and/or whoever Pagadito designates, to keep a recording of the transactions made within the site and to use them as evidence in the pertinent instances.
The User acknowledges Pagadito's internal electronic records stored in its system as full proof of the transactions made, which record the client's changes and the amounts from the transactions and consequently, it accepts balances certified by Pagadito based on such information and for such purposes.
The certificates issued by Pagadito are equivalent to a receipt and are enforceable against the User.
IX. Notifications
Notifications shall be valid if they are addressed to the main e-mail address provided by the Users at the time of registration in Pagadito.
X. Official time
Pagadito's official time is set forth as GMT-5 (Panama), therefore all transactions made through this platform must be adjusted to the aforementioned time regardless of the country from where the transactions are made.
XI. Applicable Jurisdiction
This agreement is governed by the laws in force in the Republic of Panama. The User waives its domicile and for the effects of this contract designates as special domicile the city of Panama and submits to the jurisdiction and laws of the Republic of Panama. The domicile of Pagadito, S. de R.L. is fixed as Panama City, Republic of Panama.
XII. Annexes
They are an integral part of this Agreement and therefore their acceptance include Pagadito's various policies and guidelines:
Pagadito's restricted activities
Balance Top Up, Transfer and Withdrawal Policies
Complaint Resolution Mechanisms